
“Lord, I will say yes… but I can’t do this on my own” – The worship leader who felt like a Jonah on a Cambodia Missions Trip

Having planned together for a youth worship concert in Cambodia for three months before the trip, JANIAS TAN’s confidence plummeted when her teammates were unable to go for the mission trip.

In this second story of our two-part series Missions: God’s Heartbeat, hear her story of struggle and surrender, and how the Holy Spirit empowered her on this mission trip.

“As long as I am a willing vessel, God will do the rest” – Trusting God boldly on a missions trip

Can you imagine going on a missions trip where 50% of your plans had to change overnight?

That’s what happened to a team of 17 youths from ACTS Youth Ministry* on the day they were slated to leave for Cambodia.

How was the mission trip still a success? In our two-part series of Missions: God’s Heartbeat, hear from first-time missions tripper TERENCE CHIN as he shares how God worked in and through the team.

*ACTS is the Youth Ministry under Eternal Life Assembly – a safe and authentic community for youths (aged 13-25 years old) to grow in God.