Come and see what God is doing in EL

“I went to heal others, but God healed me.”

In October 2024, as part of the Healing Ministry Team in Eternal Life Assembly, DOLLY LOH embarked on a Missions Team to Cambodia to heal the sick. Little did she know that God would do the miraculous through her and in her.


“Death seemed so much easier” – A story of a coach who struggled through depression to find renewed purpose in Christ

At that point of all the pain, I just asked myself this question, “What's the point of living when all I'm encountering are dead ends and never-ending challenges? With her years of fighting against depression, multiple suicide attempts, LYDIA shares on how the Christian life is not absent of suffering, but instead gives reason to why life is worth the living. Read more as she shares her journey of depression, and how she fights on daily.

CommunityMental HealthSufferingTransformation

The Prodigal Sons – How two sons found their way home after losing their mom to cancer

Brought up by their mother singlehandedly after a difficult marriage, two brothers share the pain of losing their mother to cancer in their teenage years. "I was devastated that I wasn't able to say goodbye to her as she passed away in the morning when I had planned to visit her in the afternoon after booking out from army camp." recalls Victor, the elder brother. "I couldn't understand why God took my mother away from us. Life was very hard without her." shared Frank, the youngest sibling.


Abandoned as a baby, called to serve as Pastor for more than 40 years 

Abandoned by her biological family as a baby, and lost her adoptive parents by 14. Yet God turned her devastation into joy, and aimlessness into a lifetime of serving His purpose. and discovering her call to be a pastor. Read more about Pastor Winnie who has served the Lord for more than 45 years since 23!

FamilyHonouring PastorsProvidenceTransformation

A Journey of Service 

Be willing to plant the seed, and trust that God will bring about growth as you serve Him. What matters is our willingness to be used by Him rather than our capabilities. Meet the man who decided to step up in faith to serve while struggling in a crisis.


From Belief to Believe

Many believe in God. But is it just their belief or do they believe?
Robert found out the difference through a family crisis and saw his belief transform into believing. Read on to find out how God revealed Himself to Robert and his family in the most unexpected ways.


“I went to church, and my mother hit me.” – A story of persevering love

Countless times after coming home, her mother would hit her with a wooden plank. Oddly bruised, LILIAN PHUA felt no pain. Before her mothers passing, not only did her mother ask for forgiveness, she accepted Jesus into her heart. Read on to find out how LILIAN persevered in her faith, and pressed on to love her mother despite persecution..


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