A Journey of Service 

Story and Photos by: Kok Chieng

September 27, 2024

In 1994, my then-girlfriend, Linda, invited me to church. Joining a new community is always scary—especially when you are new and very introverted. Being good with my hands, I figured the best way to connect with the church community would be to serve in the Sound Ministry.

It was initially daunting. I had no technical experience, such as setting up microphones and mixing sound. I will never forget those early mornings of fumbling with cables and feeling the pressure of getting everything right before Sunday Service started. Yet God always provided experienced members from the sound team to guide and support me.

Over the next 16 years, I grew to know God more and served diligently in the Sound Ministry. During this time, I married Linda and started a family. 

Kok Chieng together with Linda and their first 3 daughters

In the same year, two of my friends and I decided to start a business. We worked hard to build a successful business. In my drive to succeed, I directed all my focus to work and eventually spent less time with my family and even compromised attending church services on Sunday.

After 12 years of building the business, a crisis struck. Disagreements soured the partnership and our company faced potential closure. 

I felt a great sense of loss. Years of effort hanging by a thread. Close friendships dissolved. Life’s purpose and direction were in complete disarray.

It was in the depths of this crisis that God’s words from Matthew 6:26 came to mind: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Suddenly there was a realization of how much I had strayed from God in striving to succeed and provide for my family. God invited me to trust that He would provide and be my guide. 

Suddenly there was a realisation of how much I had strayed from God in striving to succeed and provide for my family. God invited me to trust that He would provide and be my guide.

I clung to this promise and made the difficult decision to empty out 12 years of company earnings to buy out my partner’s shareholding and save the company. 

During this turbulent time, I received a nomination to serve on the Church Board. This came as a huge surprise to me. 

Firstly, I’m a very low-profile person (comfortably hiding behind the sound booth). Secondly, I felt spiritually inadequate. Thirdly, I was a businessman struggling to keep my company afloat.

As I struggled with the nomination, God brought to mind a vision I had years ago. In that vision, I was standing in the church’s classroom. I had felt God’s call—a promise that He would use me for His kingdom. 

So despite my self-doubts, I stepped up and was nominated to the church board. Guess where board meetings are held? The same classroom that I saw in my vision!

In the two years that followed, I witnessed God’s incredible ways. Not only was my business restored to greater heights, but my sense of purpose and destiny in serving God was also strengthened.

Group dinner with the EL Cambodia Team

After serving on the church board, God led me to serve in Missions. Again it was another new arena that I’ve no experience in. But God never once wanted my abilities. He only wanted my availability. 

Over the years, I’ve been on 15 mission trips. Seeing how God used me to build our Cambodian church is such a privilege and humbling experience.

God continued to place me in various ministries which were unfamiliar to me such as Communications & Media, Potter’s Place Community Services, and the Healing Room.

Kok Chieng during 2024 Church Board Nominations

I began my journey in Eternal Life Assembly wanting to be connected. Today, God has placed in me a greater passion to connect others to God and this spiritual family.

I began my journey in Eternal Life Assembly wanting to be connected. Today, God has placed in me a greater passion to connect others to God and this spiritual family.

There are many areas in our church that we can put our hands to serve God in. 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 tells us: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow…” 

This verse has reminded me time and again that our role is simply to be willing to sow the seed, give of our time, and our hands, and trust that God will bring about the growth and fruition.

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you to give of yourself to God wherever He has placed you. We never need to worry about our capabilities—what matters is our willingness to be used by Him. Where He leads you to serve, His grace will enable you to excel.

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About the Author

  • Swee Fay believes that everyone has a story worth telling. She is happy when designing graphics, painting watercolours, creating short videos… and perhaps eating ice cream.

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