From Seeds to Potted Herbs : A Journey of Gardening, Faith and Community

Story and Photos by: Sandy Poh

May 24, 2024

My heart has always been for charity and supporting mission work, but my job didn’t allow me to travel much for overseas missions. While I contributed to our EL Cambodia Missions through finances and prayers, there was always a yearning to do more.
In late March this year, during a chat with Eve, one of my Life Group (LG) members, I shared an idea to sell 100 potted herb plants to raise funds for the Cambodia Missions.
The plan was to do it with Asher, my 11 year old son, and to have a leisurely bonding time of gardening over eight months. Yet, this project turned out anything but leisurely!
Some of the potted plants we grew!
Eve, who also loves gardening, jumped on the idea and suggested we do it together as an LG project! I’ve always told my children that they are unique and need to exercise their God-given talents which He will bless and multiply.
Suddenly that same advice spoke to me. Could my simple passion for gardening be a God-given talent that God could use and multiply?

Could my simple passion for gardening be a God-given talent that God could use and multiply?

While excited, I worried about the project’s execution. Where would I store 100 potted herbs with enough air and light to grow? How would 100 plants sell in a short time frame?
Within five days, without seeking help, a friend offered to sell potting soil in bulk at a discount. Another friend offered space at the monthly HortPark event—Gardeners’ Day Out. I was convinced this was His plan, and He provided what we needed.
When the idea was mooted to my LG, everyone was excited and ready to act. I felt relieved by their enthusiastic support.
Many turned up at my home to help with soil potting, planting, and labelling. I was happy to share my passion for gardening and to see the LG experience the joy of serving and gardening together.
While we could pot the plants, their growth rate was beyond our control. Would the plants grow fast enough, big enough, or well enough in time for the sale event at HortPark?
Each time a worrying thought came, I prayed and surrendered it to God, claiming His promise in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7:
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”
It was a daily journey of letting go and letting God take control of His project.

It was a daily journey of letting go and letting God take control of His project.

After three weeks, every single pot flourished, and none perished! This had never happened to me before, as it is common to have some pots die away.
During the sale event at HortPark, many of my LG members helped with the sales. With their enthusiastic selling, every single pot was sold out! We raised $1,282 for EL missions.
Selling the potted plants at HortPark
Initially, the goal was to raise funds, but in the end, my LG and I received much more. By bringing our five loaves and two fishes, we experienced the love and joy of being part of the LG community:
“then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (Phil 2:2)

By bringing our five loaves and two fishes, we experienced the love and joy of being part of the LG community

God used this project to strengthen my faith in Him. No passion or talent is too small for Him to use.
God was leading this gardening project, and his favor was evident from soil to pot, from seed to plant, from LG to the sale event. I just needed to be obedient to His calling and to trust Him in my journey.
LG celebrating the harvest together
Don’t underestimate your God-given talent; don’t underestimate the power of a team (our LG) working toward a common vision; and remember, where God leads, He provides.
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About the Author

  • Swee Fay believes that everyone has a story worth telling. She is happy when designing graphics, painting watercolours, creating short videos… and perhaps eating ice cream.

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