Brenda and Yong Chian have been residing in Telok Blangah for the last 5 years. They also
have a cute Singapore Special dog, Belle, whom they bring out for night walks. Upon meeting
other dog owners during these walks, the couple got to know many neighbours in their block.
“Yong Chian and I have been living in this flat for 5 years, and there’ve been neighbours that
we’ve tried inviting for church events, but it never got through to them. It was just too ‘churchy’,”
Brenda mentioned.
As it’s always been the couple’s desire to reach out, they would occasionally invite their
neighbours to church events. This included Ladies Fellowship or musicals – but to no avail. With
much effort and no breakthrough, the couple were discouraged at times.

When the opportunity arose to go door to door during Good Neighbour Day*, Brenda suggested
to her Life Group (LG) to give the mugs to her neighbours. Bringing the church right to the
doorstep of her neighbours would be a new way to reach out to them. Moreover, the LG
gatherings were at Yong Chian and Brenda’s house every Friday, and there was no better place
than the block to start their outreach.
Everyone was agreeable, and the LG didn’t stop there. They agreed that reaching out should
not be a one-time project. “We want to do outreach with a follow-up, and a Christmas Party
would be a good platform to keep in touch with our neighbours,” shared Joyce Tham, an LG
member. Hence, the idea for a Block Christmas Party was birthed.
The planning of course came with some doubts
The planning of course came with some doubts. “My LG members were initially a bit hesitant if
we could pull it off or have the attendance we were hoping for,” Brenda commented.
Different members played to their strengths – some took charge of decorations, others anchored
the games and others hospitality. The LG continued to pray for God’s hand to be upon the party.
The entire planning process culminated on 22 December. Safe Haven transformed their
neighbourhood pavilion into a Christmas wonderland. 30 neighbours came! Some of them were
invited by the LG and some simply walked into the festivities. The gathering was filled with great
food, fun games, and even a special moment where an LG member, Ryan, shared his testimony
of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

The lively and enjoyable moment gave everyone a time full of laughter, joy and bonding. One
neighbour, touched by the experience, expressed her keen interest in visiting the church with
her that week.
”It was very heartening to see the LG coming together to organise this party. Everyone enjoyed
themselves, and many neighbours asked when the next community event would be.”

The Block Christmas Party was no doubt a success, bringing joy and creating new bonds. With
its success, Safe Haven is currently planning to organise another gathering for Chinese New
Year, along with their inter-gen LG.
“It takes a kampong to reach a kampong”
“It takes a kampong to reach a kampong,” Brenda commented, “Reaching out to non-believers
should be the heartbeat of every LG.”
When the couple was doing it alone, it was difficult to reach out to their neighbours. But when
the LG came together to organise a party in the comfort of their neighbourhood, people came.
LGs are not only a platform where we fellowship and feel comfortable, but a place where we can
spur each other to live out Matthew 28:19-20 and to make disciples of all nations. Safe Haven’s
experience has shown us that, it is easier to toil together in unity for His kingdom than to do it
Discipleship can’t just be read, it has to be done”
Discipleship can’t just be read, it has to be done,” Brenda commented, “Same with evangelism,
we just have to do it. It is normal to be anxious, but the more we do and practise, the easier
these skills become.”
Practising discipleship is easier when done together as an LG. We can find strength in unity.
“Doing” discipleship isn’t just an individual pursuit, but a shared experience. We can walk
alongside each other and offer mutual encouragement and support.
As Eternal Life Assembly embarks on the Year of Discipleship, it’s time to start living Christ in
our everyday lives. As an LG, how would we act differently this year? How can we be more
intentional in living Christ? And even as a member of an LG, can I influence my LG to live Christ
this year?
*Good Neighbour Day Project: A church-wide evangelistic initiative where Life Groups in EL will
approach their friends/neighbours to give them a mug.
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Grace is currently an undergraduate at Singapore Management University. She enjoys sports, photography and watching movies - and (secretly) finds Singapore’s weather too hot.