“Reach out and pray for them” – Who me?

Story & Photos by: Jialin

June 24, 2024

What if God told you to reach out to a specific person and invite them to church? What if this person is someone you barely know, and God told you to share your testimony with them?
“Journey with your grieving friend and ask her to bring her grieving niece to church.”
“Reach out to the young girl in your Malaysia chat group who is struggling in a relationship.”
“Text the lady on Facebook who is in pain and share your healing story with her.”

“What should I pray for? What do I say? How do I reach out? Would they find me weird?”

These were the impressions from God urging me to reach out to people I didn’t even know personally. My initial reaction was, “What should I pray for? What do I say? How do I reach out? Would they find me weird?”
When these names were dropped into my heart to pray for and reach out, I really struggled to obey. But God reminded me of the many times in prayer meetings and healing room ministries when I didn’t know what or how to pray, but the Holy Spirit guided me in my words and enabled me to experience breakthroughs in my faith.
So I trusted God to lead the conversations and took the step of faith to reach out to them.
Initially, I thought that God would intervene quickly in their situations. After all, it was Him who asked me to reach out to them. But that did not happen. And I found myself asking, “God, how long do I need to pray for?”

“is God really hearing my prayers?”

Days turned into weeks and months with no breakthrough in their situations. While I stayed faithful in journeying with those around me through video calls, and text messages, there were times when doubt crept into my mind – “is God really hearing my prayers?”

When the person I was reaching out to contemplated suicide, I was hit hard and almost gave up praying for them. Despite the setback, I persevered in being at prayer meetings. And in that place, God assured me He would work the miracles. This gave me the confidence to press on in prayer.

Beginning this year in January, the breakthroughs started happening.

The young Malaysian girl, who struggled with a relationship and suicidal thoughts, found healing and restoration. God led her to a church where she accepted Christ. She is now walking with the Lord and attending a church in Malaysia!
My grieving friend, who had lost a loved one, found peace. Beyond my friend, God opened a door to meet her niece who was grieving too (exactly what God wanted me to do – to bring her niece to church). Her family had hoped the young girl would find a healthy community and smile more.
The lady I connected with over Facebook accepted my invitation to attend our healing service. Over a quick dinner before the service, she told me, “I was looking for a healing service but wasn’t sure where to find it. I’m so grateful you reached out to me with your testimony story. It gave me hope because I was in so much pain.” At our healing service, God healed her of her neck slipped disc, and she is no longer in pain!
Prayer has the power to change lives.

Prayer has the power to change lives. These answered prayers not only changed life situations but also transformed me, increasing my faith day by day. We may not understand why some prayers seem to go unanswered (I am still praying for my family’s salvation as a first-generation Christian). But God hears all our prayers, and in His time, He will answer them.

Corrie ten Boom once said, “The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something and enter God’s realm where everything is possible. He specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too great for His almighty power. Nothing is too small for His love.”
Prayer is truly the most important conversation of the Christian life.
Be vulnerable, be honest, and be real with God. Prayer is truly the most important conversation of the Christian life.

*Hi Kids! is Eternal Life Assembly’s children ministry for kids 3-12 years old.

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  • Corrie is a HR by profession. She enjoys having conversation with people and can spend the whole day eating steamboat. She secretly wishes her hair is blue 24/7 x 365 days.

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