A cosy pavilion brimmed with fairy lights, lanterns, and streamers as one pair of intergen life groups (LGs) welcomed about 20 residents to their Chinese New Year block party.
Following the successful Christmas block party organised by Safe Haven LG last December 2023, Safe Haven partnered with their fellow intergen LG, Blessings, to organise a Chinese New Year block party as a follow-up with the residents.
“The last round, we had some older folks. When it was just our LG [hosting the party], it was a bit difficult to engage them,” recalled Safe Haven’s co-cell leader, Yong Chian.
“It’s exciting that somebody organises such parties for residents. I think it’s a good idea; at least people know there is a LG in Telok Blangah area,” commented Panny, the leader of Blessings LG.
Initially, some of her LG members had difficulty seeing the purpose of having the intergen cell group. This started to change as members of both LGs bonded together through the collective preparation and evangelism efforts.
Preparations started with prayers and brochure distribution. Their faith was challenged when there were only a few sign-ups. The waiting game seemed forever.
There were questions if the correct date or timing was picked for the party. But with persistent prayers, more sign-ups streamed in, with most attending the party for the first time!
Initiating conversations does not come naturally to everyone. To equip members with the confidence to strike up conversations, Safe Haven conducted a mini role-play to share handles and to practise holding conversations with different profiles of people.
The profiles included gender, age, marital status, number of children, etc. Members then gave feedback to one another on how the conversations went and shared ways for improvement.
During the party, members mingled with and befriended the residents. “We saw a lot more conversations going on. People are not just standing alone or with people they are comfortable with,” recounted Safe Haven’s co-cell leader, Brenda.
“I was afraid to approach the residents as I didn’t feel confident carrying on conversations,” shared Joyce, a young adult member from Safe Haven.
“But this was an opportunity to share God’s love. Hence, I plucked up my courage and paired up with another life group member to speak with one resident with 2 young children. My partner and I took turns to converse with the resident and we learned more about her and her family. I was glad I took that first step to connect with her.”
Another member from Blessings life group, Judy, initially felt apprehensive, “When I heard about the outreach, my first reaction was to find an excuse not to attend. I am an introvert. I don’t like to socialise, entertain, or be involved in big gatherings. But I decided to attend to support my LG leader.”
At the party, she noticed a lady in her 60s. Remembering that the objective was to reach out, she walked over and began talking with the lady. “I shared that I am from Eternal Life Assembly (EL) and that we hoped to get to know the residents at Telok Blangah,” recalled Judy.
“I noticed a hump on her back and asked if I could pray for her. That opened an opportunity to share about EL’s Healing Room Ministry. As a volunteer serving in this ministry, I have seen several healings and I am glad that I was able to share testimonies to encourage her.
In the past, I would not know how to approach and talk to people, let alone share about God. I am thankful that God is using me in the Healing Ministry.”
The night ended with the residents receiving door gifts packed in the church’s red packets. It was a meaningful night of connecting with the residents. Now, the intergen LGs look forward to having more touchpoints with the residents in the future!
“An outreach should have some form of follow-up. It’s not a touch-and-go thing. We are there to know people and bring them in. The only way to do that is to form a relationship,” chimed in Brenda.
This intergenerational effort has proven that age is and never will be a barrier. Everyone can and has a role to play in sowing for breakthroughs in evangelism as long as we are willing to.
“Just start small, start simple. Then grow from there,” said Yong Chian. “We just have to start somewhere and the best time is now,” concluded Brenda.
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Joyce is a quietly contemplative individual who is intrigued by the creative arts' ability to impact and touch people's lives. Her favourite food is crispy fries although she rarely indulges in them.